It is Sunday afternoon and we are at the Comstock RV Resort in Carson City. Our drive was uneventful, the only negative seeing a totally flattened burner travel trailer by the roadside (worse, obviously, for them), and the positive highlight being a stop at a Dayton NV Round Table Pizza where we gorged on the lunchtime special of salad and three kinds of pizza. Do not underestimate the value of a highlight such as this. It tasted great, the restrooms were clean, the place was air conditioned.
After setting up in Carson City I did the park unforgivable (that’s what comes of living with freaks for four days) and hosed-off (lightly) the trailer. Not clean, but much better. I drove the truck to a coin-operated car wash and eight-dollars later it looked much better. That is until I opened a window releasing accumulated now-wet Playa dust, to drool down the sides. (Note: on reviewing this blog in late November, I can report the slightest drizzle still creates Playa-dust ooze down the trailer and truck sides, and I still find spots in doorjams with caked dust.)
We planned on barbecuing for dinner but the grease-coated grill was grossly thickened with tan-brown Playa accretions. I can usually ignore what’s out of sight (and many things in sight) but this was too much and entailed more cleaning.
Meanwhile, Marcia was scrubbing the trailer floor and doing laundry, both jobs tough as Playa dust does not easily release its hold.
We took long showers (“Limit your shower to 5 minutes or less to conserve water”), put on fresh clothes, ate BBQ chicken and asparagus, and climbed into bed at 9:30 for our first good night’s sleep in a long time.